
Enhanced treemap with expand feature, improved tooltips, UI updates, and conditional chart display logic.

What's Changed

Frontend Service

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Treemap Visualization Enhancements:

    • Introduced an expand feature for the treemap, allowing users to explore data more interactively.

    • Upgraded treemap package to improve tooltip information, including additional fields for enhanced data insights.

    • Implemented a global switch to show/hide children nodes, providing a cleaner and more focused user experience.

    • Integrated API to the duplicate dataset treemap for real-time data visualization.

  • UI/UX Improvements:

    • Inverted getValueColor for more intuitive coloring on the treemap.

    • Added asset name to the side panel body header for better asset identification.

    • Updated treemap style for a more modern and user-friendly interface.

    • Minor update to columns layout on the modelTable inventory page.

    • Various style enhancements, including updated breadcrumb style and border color changes.

Conditional Display Logic:

  • Implemented conditional logic to display different charts based on issue types, i.e., hiding the metrics chart for duplicate dataset issues and vice versa.

Operational and Infrastructure Changes:

  • Merge Resolutions and Development Integrations: Multiple merges from the development branch, resolving merge conflicts and integrating various features into the main branch.

  • Readme Update: Updated the readme file, likely with new instructions or documentation relevant to the recent changes.

Gateway Service

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Treemap Data APIs: Added new methods get_list_duplicate_datasets and get_duplicate_dataset_details in the postgres_bi_proxy for enhanced data handling and visualization of duplicate datasets.

  • Duplicate Dataset API Enhancements: Included demo data in duplicate dataset APIs, along with the addition of "type", "children", and "sim_score" to the duplicate dataset details query for a more comprehensive understanding of dataset similarities.

Diagnostics Service

New Features and Enhancements:

  • PowerBI and Tableau Enhancements: Updated duplicate datasets treemap data to show 'added' and 'copied' tables, and included 'removed' columns for PowerBI similarity treemap.

  • Performance Improvements: General performance enhancement in models related to treemap data.

  • Docker Compose Updates: Updated various docker-compose files (docker-compose.dev.yml, docker-compose.override.yml, docker-compose.sf.prod.yml) for better environment setup and management.

Bug Fixes and Refinements:

  • Data Model Adjustments: Fixed issues related to column width on the issueTracking table and counts of tables and columns copied.

  • Autodoc Documentation: Added autodoc documentation for Tableau and PowerBI base schemas, improving the documentation quality and accessibility.

  • Issue Descriptions Update: Ensured that some description is always retrieved for issues, enhancing clarity and understanding of issue tracking.

Operational and Infrastructure Changes:

  • Dockerfile Update for Airflow: Updated the Dockerfile for Airflow images to ensure the vault folder is writable by the Airflow user.

  • Exception Handling in ML Run: Added exception handling to ml_run.py for more robust error management.

  • DBT Dependencies Management: Added dbt deps back to the default command list in dbt_app app.py.

Last updated