PowerBI Connector Setup

This guide will walk you through setting up the Datalogz PowerBI Connector. Datalogz can connect to PowerBI via two methods: Service Principal or Microsoft Admin.

Connection Options:

  1. Service Principal - This method allows read-only access to PowerBI's administrative APIs for a single PowerBI tenant. It doesn't require permission from a Microsoft O365 Administrator.

  2. Microsoft Admin - This method provides read-only access to administrative APIs for all PowerBI tenants registered in Azure Active Directory (AD). It requires the 'Tenant.Read.All' permission, which needs to be granted by a Microsoft O365 Administrator.


Option 1: Service Principal

Follow these steps to setup the Datalogz PowerBI Connector using the Service Principal method:

  1. Create an Azure AD App Registration

    • Keep a record of the following properties: Client ID, Tenant ID.

    • Create a new Secret and securely store the value (Client Secret) for later use.

  2. Create an Azure Security Group

  3. Add Azure AD App Registration to the Security Group

    • Include the Azure AD App Registration as a member of the Security Group.

  4. Link the Security Group to PowerBI Tenant Admin Settings

  5. Enable PowerBI REST API permissions for the Security Group

  • Log in to the app portal as a PowerBI Service Administrator.

  • Navigate to Admin Portal in the settings (upper right corner).

  • In Tenant settings, locate 'Admin API settings' and enable:

    • Allow service principals to use PowerBI APIs.

    • Allow service principals to use read-only admin APIs.

  • Add the Security Group created above to the security groups list

  • Scroll down to Admin API settings and enable the following permissions:

    • API responses with detailed metadata.

    • API responses with DAX and mashup expressions.

  • Add the Security Group created above to the security groups list, unless other users rely on this setting to apply to the entire organization, then leave the setting as shown.

  1. Login to Datalogz

  1. Create a Datalogz account

  • The BI Admin creates the Datalogz account by signing in. This process requires approval of the following API permissions: email, openid, User.Read.

  1. Create a new PowerBI Connector

  • After logging in, navigate to the Connectors tab and select 'Service Principal' to create a new PowerBI Connector.

  • Select the PowerBI Workspaces to be included in the connector.

Once the Service Principal has been provided access to the read-only Admin APIs by following the steps above, the app is able to use the following endpoints documented here.

  1. Check the connector refresh status

    • After the connector setup is complete, monitor the connector refresh status from the Connectors page. Once the metadata refresh is done, the 'Overview' and 'Recommendations' tabs will populate.

  1. Create a Role and assign access

    • Create a Role and give it read access to this connector.

    • New users can be invited and assigned to the connector once the role is created.

  2. Invite Users

    • To invite users, go to 'User Settings' from the profile menu in the top-right corner. Users can be invited via email, and assigned as 'Admin' or 'Member'.

    • Admin: Can create and manage connectors and roles, manage account settings, and view the overview and recommendations.

    • Member: Can manage personal settings and view overview and recommendations.

Option 2: Microsoft O365 Global Administrator

Follow these steps to setup the Datalogz PowerBI Connector using the Microsoft Admin method:

  1. Enable PowerBI REST API permissions

  2. Log in as a Microsoft 365 Global Administrator

    • Navigate to PowerBI Admin Portal in the settings (upper right corner).

    • In 'Tenant settings', locate 'Admin API settings' and enable:

      • Allow API responses with detailed metadata.

      • Allow API responses with DAX and mashup expressions.

  1. Create a Datalogz account

  1. Create a new Multi-Tenant PowerBI Connector

  • After logging in, navigate to the Connectors tab and select 'Microsoft Admin' to create a new Multi-Tenant PowerBI Connector.

  • Select the PowerBI Workspaces to be included in the connector.

  1. Check the connector refresh status

  • After you have completed your connector setup, the connector refresh status can be viewed from the Connectors page. After a few minutes the metadata refresh will complete and the Overview and Recommendations tabs will be populated.

  1. Create a Role and assign access

  • Same as in the Service Principal method.

  1. Invite Users

  • Same as in the Service Principal method.

Last updated